Chinese speaking Real Estate Agent NYC – Another Successful Transaction

I am a Chinese Speaking Real Estate agent in New York, myself and my team are fluent in Mandarin, Shanghainese, and other Chinese dialects. We often helped many buyers from out of town such as New Jersey, California, Vancouver, or out of the country buyers from Hong Kong, China, Taiwan and other countries to find their perfect Real Estate investment.

As a Chinese speaking Real Estate agent here in New York, I receive many phone calls from buyers who are buying for their children who are in New York for work or school. We are able to help them identify the best investment for them by educating them about the unique Manhattan market place, evaluate what is important for them, understand the purpose of buying in Manhattan New York.

Today, another successful transaction has been closed. In this transaction, myself and my team represent the buyers who seeked out for a knowledgeable and experienced Chinese Speaking Real Estate agent. It is always a fantastic day when the buyers are happy with their purchase, it makes the hard work worth it.

Here is a photo of everyone at the closing table today.

Happy Buyers with their child, Sellers, and their perspective attorneys.

我是許小姐Chinese Real Estate Agent in New York,曼哈頓房地產的專家,我幫助了許多中國和亞洲人為他們的孩子在紐約購買曼哈頓房地產.曼哈頓房地產是於世界上任何其他地方或國家不同,也於其他美國州不同.

Chinese Real Estate agent in New York 購買紐約曼哈頓公寓作為父母為子女購買,你應該明白你的預算和時間。這是一個五年計劃,同時你的孩子去學校在紐約嗎?我們與許多父母是誰買他們的兒子或女兒去紐約大學,帕森斯設計學院,視覺藝術學院,哥倫比亞大學,Jillards音樂學校和其他知名學校這裡在曼哈頓紐約。這是您的兒子或女兒,目前正在曼哈頓?他們有一個穩定的工作或財務自由嗎?他們目前可以出租和租賃即將到期或每月安排?重要的是我們知道的原因和時間,以便我們能夠縮小搜索你。

Chinese Real Estate Agent in  New York 購買紐約曼哈頓公寓作為家長為孩子買,你應該與貸款顧問,會計師,曼哈頓房地產律師討論購買程序。會計師:如果你正計劃共同購買的公寓與您的孩子,一定要討論可能的稅務並發症則可能是你的會計師。您的發言之前,您購買的會計師可以是非常有益的。 許小姐Chinese Real Estate in New York 購買紐約曼哈頓公寓作為父母為子女購買,經驗豐富的曼哈頓公寓的專家來指導您完成這一進程,並瀏覽了曼哈頓房地產迷宮。無論你是首次置業,或投資者,購買和出售的多個屬性在其他地區或國家的美國,我們可以提供幫助。了解當地市場與市場專家能最大化您的投資,並避免任何可能發生的問題作出的規則。我們的許多客戶是第一次來的投資者,他們買了許多曼哈頓公寓的。如果您想購買曼哈頓房地產,現在與我聯繫(646)644-6929 許小姐.

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