Chinese Mandarin Real Estate Agent Market Report NYC 2013

Chinese Mandarin Real Estate Agent Eileen Hsu explain in Chinese language of the common questions asked by different buyers, especially about Manhattan New York market and often parents want to purchase for children by New York University, Parson School of Design or any other university in Manhattan New York.

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Chinese Mandarin Real Estate Agent Market Report NYC 2013

NYC Chinese Mandarin Speaking Agent SOLD again!

NYC Chinese Mandarin Speaking Agent SOLD again | Chinese Real Estate agent NYC sold another condo  Since month of May this year,  our Chinese Mandarin Speaking Agents team have been very busy helping many buyers and sellers moving and relocating in Manhattan New York.

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NYC Chinese Mandarin Speaking Agent SOLD again!

New York city Mandarin Speaking Real Estate Agent specialize in Parents Buy for children

New York city Mandarin Speaking Real Estate Agent specialize in Parents Buy for children   We are NYC Mandarin Chinese speaking Real Estate agent that work with many Mandarin Chinese Parents buy NYC condo for their son or daughter, we are a team that work with many international Chinese and local Chinese parents who seek a good condo for their son or daughter that is currently working or going to school in Manhattan New York.

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New York city Mandarin Speaking Real Estate Agent specialize in Parents Buy for children

Mandarin speaking Real Estate team in Manhattan New York

Mandarin speaking Real Estate team in Manhattan Eileen Hsu team is a bilingual Mandarin and English speaking Real Estate team in Manhattan.

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Mandarin speaking Real Estate team in Manhattan New York

Mandarin Speaking Agents in NYC

Eileen (許小姐) is Chinese and English speaking Real Estate agent here in Manhattan New York. Eileen is also a Vice President 副總 of prestigious Manhattan Real Estate firm Prudential Douglas Elliman.

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Mandarin Speaking Agents in NYC

International Foreign Chinese Buyers buy NYC flats

International-foreigners or Chinese buy NYC Flats Questions & Answers Part 1 We have an international clientele from all over the world, many of them refer NYC condos or apartments as ‘flats’.

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International Foreign Chinese Buyers buy NYC flats


我們是精通紐約曼哈頓公寓的專家;買家們對曼哈頓公寓經常有不瞭解的問題,我們會一一為您解答幫助你們更瞭解曼哈頓的交易方式,讓您更容易找到您想要的住家或投資目標。 我們經常會被外州來的買家問“誰能幫我維修公寓?”由於外州住家大多數都是獨棟,公寓佔少數,這經常是買家們的第一個問題。由於我們很多客戶都是以投資、第二個家、或兒女在曼哈頓上學,大部份來說公寓內部的保養對他們很重要。 擁 有一戶曼哈頓公寓跟擁有一戶獨棟樓房是兩種不同的感受。擁有一戶曼哈頓公寓並不光只擁有一戶公寓,其中你還擁有這獨特社區的一部份。這獨特的社區包括了其 他屋主、工寓工作人員(管理員、門房、公寓水電工) ,及公寓管理團隊。當公寓裡有什麼東西損壞需要維修時,可以通知管理員或公寓水電工來處理,若不是很嚴重的情況大多時候水電工都可以處理。例如:水管堵 塞、沒冷/熱水、沒空調之類。這些都是公寓管理團隊可以處理的,若是超出他們的技術範圍他們通常都會推薦能維修的專人來處理,直到問題完善為止。 附 帶維修及職業管理的公寓社區最適合那些生活忙碌跟外州的投資人及買家。一通電話或email給管理團隊就可隨時替您處理待修的家中設備,完全不需離開辦公 室或手上的事讓您安心處理更重要的事。您買的不光是一棟樓房,您買的是一戶不讓您煩心,可以讓您處理更重要事情的社區。 曼哈頓交易問與答:怎麼在紐約房地產界出價?

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紐 約曼哈頓在地產界是個奇特的市場,他是個世界金融中心,也是時尚的趨導者,這些眾多優勢吸引了各式各樣買家從世界各地擁入這地方。由於國外買家不清楚紐約 特有的交易規則,經常會誤解紐約的交易程序。國外買家經常會用他們本地的交易方式套在曼哈頓的交易方式,忽略到紐約的交易方式並不是如他們所想像。介由我 們—我們會跟您詳細的解釋紐約房地產交易過程,迎導您如何觀察紐約房地產市場、怎麼進/出場、怎麼在適當(優勢)時間出價、及怎麼讓您入戶您想要的公寓。 讓您馬上瞭解紐約這一塊獨特的房地產世界。 不像其他國家或美國別州,在紐約,當買方介由我們(房仲業者)出價給賣方時,買方及我們不需要簽任何合同或同意書。 在 紐約,合同(契約)並不是由房仲業者來寫。交屋日期也不是地契公司 來挑選。紐約曼哈頓是一個房市仲裁區,所有房地產有關的業務都必須經由有紐約曼哈頓房地產認證許可的律師處理。買方及賣方各自需要一位有認證許可的律師代 表他們處理這些業務。我們在業界有許多交易經驗及人脈,可以介紹及提供最適合您購屋需求的律師給您。 資金證明:若是全現金交易,必須提供銀行存款或證券證明,證明有足夠的資金交易。若有貸款條約–須提供任何一家美國銀行的貸款許可文件。 任何保障條約:在 紐約曼哈頓,若要先脫售自有的地產來完成這交易–經常出現的條約為1. 確保銀行貸款批准 2. 確保銀行轉匯完成交易 3. 其他交易的保障. 曼哈頓房地產業界平時並沒有驗屋期這程序,因大部份的商品都是公寓結構,或合作公寓,沒有像獨棟樓房那類的驗屋期。也因此大部份時候契約合同上並不會有像 其他州有的驗屋條約這項,曼哈頓公寓基本交易方式就是照原樣買。 交屋日期:這 會根據您買的是新建計畫還是二手房而定。若是新房而賣家是建商,房屋也已完善,交期可以在一兩個星期內完成;若計畫還在建設中,這交期也相對的跟建設完善 後而定。若賣家是轉賣,而且準備好要搬遷,跟全現金交易— 交期會在公寓委員會四十五天內批准後而定。(若是要貸款購屋—交期會在公寓委員會60 ~ 90天內批准後而定。 個人財力資料:有時因多人搶標一個提案,賣方或合作公寓委員會會要求買家的財力資料。財力資料包括:薪資報稅單,財產/土地證明,銀行存款,證券證明及其他相關資料。若是要購買合作公寓(cooperative)全面申報是個必要程序。 當賣家口頭上接受買家的出價,我們(仲介)會馬上提供資料給有認證許可的律師提寫契約合同。我們傑出的律師團隊會依據您的需求提供您最好的服務及保障,確保您的置屋經驗是完美的。 若您或您有認識的人想在曼哈頓置產,請您來電給我們(646)644-2929。以我們豐富的交易經驗提供您最完美最完善的服務。我們也提供客製化置產投資諮詢,依您的需求為您找到最好的置產投資計畫。 曼哈頓交易問與答:誰能幫我維修公寓?

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Mandarin Chinese Speaking Agent-Eileen Hsu 許小姐

Eileen (許小姐) is Chinese and English speaking Real Estate agent here in Manhattan New York. Eileen is also a Vice President 副總 of prestigious Manhattan Real Estate firm Prudential Douglas Elliman.

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Mandarin Chinese Speaking Agent-Eileen Hsu 許小姐

How to make an offer and buy a Manhattan New York Condo

Manhattan New York Real Estate market is an unique market place, we work with many out of town and international buyers who brings their own ideas and previous experiences of Real Estate transaction into this market place and realize that there is a different way to complete a Real Estate transaction in Manhattan New York.

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How to make an offer and buy a Manhattan New York Condo

Chinese speaking Real Estate Agent NYC – Another Successful Transaction

I am a Chinese Speaking Real Estate agent in New York, myself and my team are fluent in Mandarin, Shanghainese, and other Chinese dialects.

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Chinese speaking Real Estate Agent NYC – Another Successful Transaction

Manhattan NY Condo FAQ: Can I renovate my Manhattan NY Condo?

Manhattan NY Condo FAQ: Can I renovate my Manhattan NY Condo? The quick answer is Yes.  You can certainly renovate your Manhattan New York Condo.

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Manhattan NY Condo FAQ: Can I renovate my Manhattan NY Condo?

Manhattan NY Condos FAQ: How long does it take to close on a Manhattan NY Condo?

We are Chinese-Mandarin speaking agents, and we specialize in Manhattan New York condo market and well verse in all neighborhoods of Manhattan New York. 

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Manhattan NY Condos FAQ: How long does it take to close on a Manhattan NY Condo?

Checklist for Manhattan New York Condo Buyers

We are Manhattan New York Condo specialists, we work with many out of town first time investors and buyers that would like to acquire a Manhattan New York condo as part of their investment portfolio.

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Checklist for Manhattan New York Condo Buyers

Chinese Speaking Real Estate Agent – Eileen Hsu

Eileen Hsu, Chinese Speaking Real Estate agent in Manhattan New York. Eileen (許小姐) is Chinese and English speaking Real Estate agent in Manhattan New York.

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Chinese Speaking Real Estate Agent – Eileen Hsu

TriBeCa-Manhattan New York

Tribeca was one of the first Manhattan neighborhood’s named after the area that it is located in. The Triangle Below Canal Street is located between the Hudson River and Lafayette Street and running approximately from North of Battery Park City up to Canal Street it’s northern border.  

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TriBeCa-Manhattan New York

Chinese Speaking Real Estate Agent-Eileen Hsu

Eileen Hsu 許小姐, Chinese Mandarin Speaking Real Estate agent explains the price point differences based on neighborhoods and size of the condo apartment in Manhattan New York condo market.

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Chinese Speaking Real Estate Agent-Eileen Hsu

International students’ parents buy NYC Condos

Many of our foreign buyers are parents of International students from Europe, Asia, Canada, Latin America and other countries. Other than many career and investment opportunities, Manhattan New York has many distinguish universities and colleges that offers many international students undergraduate and graduate degrees.

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International students’ parents buy NYC Condos

Foreign Buyer Buy NYC Condos-FAQ

We as Manhattan Real Estate professionals, we work with many international foreigners wanting to invest in Manhattan Real Estate. In addition to educate foreign buyers about the maze of Manhattan Real Estate market, our specialty is facilitate the purchase to ensure the transaction is smooth and successful.

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Foreign Buyer Buy NYC Condos-FAQ