New York city Mandarin Speaking Real Estate Agent specialize in Parents Buy for children

New York city Mandarin Speaking Real Estate Agent specialize in Parents Buy for children   We are NYC Mandarin Chinese speaking Real Estate agent that work with many Mandarin Chinese Parents buy NYC condo for their son or daughter, we are a team that work with many international Chinese and local Chinese parents who seek a good condo for their son or daughter that is currently working or going to school in Manhattan New York.

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New York city Mandarin Speaking Real Estate Agent specialize in Parents Buy for children

Mandarin Speaking Property Agent in New York city

Eileen Hsu and Catherine Jin are Chinese Speaking Real Estate Agents in Manhattan New York. We are full time Real Estate agents, bilingual in English and Mandarin Chinese and have helped many Chinese speaking Buyers purchase condo investments in Manhattan New York.

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Mandarin Speaking Property Agent in New York city

Mandarin Chinese Speaking Real Estate Agent NYC

大家新年好, 我是Eileen Hsu 許雅嵐, 你也可以稱呼 我Eileen. 我是在曼哈頓做地產的經紀人 (Chinese Speaking Real Estate Agent). 今天您如果要在這裡投資, 或著說幫孩子買房子, 請您跟我來電, 我們可以詳細的談, 我的電話是646-644-6929. 也可以麻煩您打個e-mail給我 我會馬上給你們回電好嗎 謝謝! 下面是其他重要的文章中的信息: 曼哈頓交易問與答:怎麼在紐約房地產界出價?

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Mandarin Chinese Speaking Real Estate Agent NYC

2012 新年好! 投資紐約房地產-好時機進入市場

大家新年好, 我是Eileen Hsu 許雅嵐, 你也可以稱呼 我Eileen. 我是在曼哈頓做地產的經紀人 (Chinese Speaking Real Estate Agent). 今天我們談一談父母親幫孩子買房子有什麼幾點要注意的. 第 一點是, 紐約這邊的房員有百分之八十五是合作公寓, 如果您在網上看到的話就是叫做coop. 另外一種是condo. 那condo是什麼呢? Condo的話,就是有產權的房子. 有產權的房子對我們華人來講是比較方便的, 因為可以自由的出租或者說是轉賣, 不需要委員會的同意或者批准, 只是有些表格要填, 讓他們通過而已.

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2012 新年好! 投資紐約房地產-好時機進入市場